Ma Nan looked around and unconsciously left his friends and came to a corner, where a small earth temple with bricks piled up stood loose.


This is an abandoned land temple. The land temple is small. The villagers used to put some sacrifices in it, but they barely lay in a person, but even worse, it was a child.
Ma Nan saw some clothes sticking out of the earth temple and thought it must be snot baby.
"snot baby, you really have a way to even find this place," Ma Nan said.
In the land temple, Ma Nan said, "I’ve already seen you. Why don’t you come out!"
The land temple is still quiet, isn’t it? Ma Nan thought.
Then he stepped forward and squatted down to see that it was really not a snot baby but an old man.
The old man has a black-and-white hair in his heart and a three-foot black-and-white beard on his jaw. He looks like a sage like type.
At this time, the old man’s eyes are closed, and there are scratches on his left shoulder. I don’t know what animal is still scratching blood.
"Grandpa grandpa" Ma Nan shouted softly.
The old man opened his eyes and saw that it was a child’s charity. "What can I do for you? Children "
"Why don’t you go home and sleep when the ground is so cold?" Ma Nan asked
"home? Monks like us have always been cosmopolitan, and this is my home! " The old man laughed
"Well, grandpa, you continue to rest. I’m going to find my friend." Ma Nan said and ran away.
The old man smiled and the horse was hard to leave. His face immediately became very difficult to look at. He looked at his bleeding arm and worried and said to himself, "Why hasn’t Brother come yet? I can’t hold back my body!"
Three days passed quickly, but it was hard to think of this old man who was sleeping in the earth temple. He came here and saw the old man. "Grandpa is really lazy and sleeping at home."
The old man looked a little yellow and opened his eyes to see Ma Nanqiang laughing. "It’s you, little friend. What can I do for you?"
"I have nothing to do but come to see grandpa," Ma Nan said with a smile. "Now that I have seen grandpa, I will go back."
Looking at the horse difficult to leave the back, the smiling face of the old man immediately turned into a desperate color. "Am I really going to die here?" Brother, come quickly! This abandoned temple root can’t suppress the spread of corpse gas! "
It’s another three days, and when I come here again, I see that the old man is talking nonsense and hurriedly cried, "Grandpa! Grandpa! What’s wrong with you? "
The old man instantly recovered a little, and quickly ordered a pair of horses on his forehead and said, "Bring your parents here quickly. I have something to say to them!" "
Ma Nan is young, but he is very sensible. Seeing the old man’s face anxiously, he feels that the matter is very big. He quickly ran home and found his parents.
When the old man saw Ma Nan’s parents, he said urgently, "Don’t say anything, don’t ask and listen to me!"
Ma Nan’s parents thought that there was no crazy old man here, and they didn’t care to elaborate, "Tell me, old man."
"You may not believe what I hear, but you must believe it!" There is no doubt that the old man said slowly, "My name is Xuanguang. I am a monk. Not long ago, I destroyed a thousand-year-old corpse, but unfortunately, I was also scratched by it, and I was unable to resist it."
Ma Nan’s parents don’t believe it even more. What’s all this about?
The old man continued, "If my nails become longer, I have yellow hair and fangs in my mouth after my death, you must spread this on my body before you burn it!" The old man handed Ma Nan’s parents a small bottle.
Ma Nan’s father took it and was about to speak when he saw the old man pick up the broken bricks and suddenly died in his head.
Ma Nan and Ma Nan’s mother screamed with fear. Ma Nan’s father stretched out his trembling hands and reached out to the nose of the old man. Ma Nan’s father was afraid to pull Ma Nan’s mother, and she didn’t even know that the bottle had dropped on the way.
(ps: Brothers, today is the national public holiday. Don’t forget the national humiliation! )
Chapter one hundred and fifty-seven Bring me a kitchen knife
It’s hard to think of the old man with white beard when he passed by in a short time in January, perhaps out of curiosity, and he walked slowly to the abandoned land temple alone, even daring to breathe too much.
I smelled a foul smell before I got close to the horse disaster. I immediately peed my pants when I walked in. This is still the kind-hearted grandfather!
The corpse has rotted away, and maggots can be seen crawling everywhere. The most important thing is that Ma Nan found that the old man had yellow hair, and the young Ma Nan had seen such a scene, rolling and crawling back.
The first thing Ma Nan did when he got home was to tell his parents about it, and Ma Nan’s father remembered the old man a month ago.
It’s really yellow hair! Ma Nan’s father was also shocked, and he didn’t say a word, and he went to the abandoned land temple.
If you see that the old man’s body has grown yellow hair, his nails have become very slender, and the fangs in his mouth have slowly grown up.
In ancient times, people believed this kind of ghost most, saying that Ma Nan’s father immediately remembered that the old man had said that he would burn his body and gave him a small bottle. He hurried home to rummage for it, only to find that he could not find it.
Ma Nan’s father thought how to burn it, not to burn it, but to burn it to ashes. After making up his mind, he took a bundle of firewood and left for the earth temple.
Ma Nan’s father piled firewood in the earth temple and kowtowed to the old man, saying, "I hope you can always log in to the celestial world and enjoy your happiness forever!" Then he lit the firewood and left without looking back.
In this way, after another half month, Ma Nan’s father was relieved to see that there was nothing unusual.
That is to say, Ma Nan was suddenly awakened by a panic when he was asleep at night. Ma Nan’s parents also woke up and pushed the door. When they saw the villagers fleeing in all directions, they shouted in fear, "There are monsters! There are monsters! "
Ma Nan’s father hurriedly hid the door with his wife and children.
At the moment, Ma Nan saw a monster possessed by yellow hair in the night. Ma Nan knew that he was the old man because he remembered the three-foot black and white beard on his jaw. Although it had turned yellow hair at this time, Ma Nan knew that he was the old man. He was madly biting the villagers who fled.
That night, the villagers screamed one after another, and their parents hid in the house shivering for fear that the monster outside would push the door and enter.
It was in this fear environment that Ma Nan fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up the next day, it was already dawn, and he saw that his parents were still on alert with their eyes wide open.
There is no sound outside. "Is grandpa gone?" Ma Nan asked with joy.
Ma Nan’s parents looked at each other and Ma Nan’s father said, "I’ll go and have a look!" "
Ma Nan’s father carefully moved to the window and poked a small hole in the paper window with his finger and looked out.
At first glance, it doesn’t matter. Ma Nan’s father immediately collapsed in fear. It turned out that some people wandering in the village were covered with yellow hair. From their decoration, Ma Nan’s father could still recognize that they were villagers, but now they have all become monsters.
These villagers didn’t walk as high as Xuanguang and turned into monsters overnight.
"What the hell is going on! Is this suffocating! " Ma Nan’s father returned to his wife and children.
"What happened to the child’s father?" Ma Nan’s mother asked.
"ShaQi! This is definitely suffocating! " Ma Nan’s father was upset and said, "When I was a child, I heard my father tell such a mysterious thing. I always thought it was a story. I didn’t think it really happened." Then he said, "There are monsters outside. We must never go out. They will attack all living things in front of us, but if we hide here, they will definitely not find us."
"How can there be so many monsters?" Ma Nan’s mother trembled with fear.
"Remember the old man a month ago? At that time, he was right. I didn’t expect it. That is, my father said that this kind of suffocation will grow slowly in people’s bodies. When it reaches a certain level, it will control people’s bodies into walking monsters. The most serious thing is that it will dye! "
"What? Then what should we do! " Ma Nan’s mother ran out of ideas.
"I remember my father said that this monster had to have its head cut off, but there are so many monsters outside, how can we be rivals? Now there is no other way to wait in this room," said Ma Nan’s father Nai.